#What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem Cell Therapy is a recent study in the field of medicine that makes use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition. Stem cells can manage and treat over 200 diseases such as: Parkinson disease Alzheimer’s disease Leukemia Stroke Heart attack Diabetes Down syndrome Cancer Multiple sclerosis Rheumatoid arthritis Spinal cord Injury/Paralysis Brain trauma Congestive heart failure High blood pressure Orthopedic injuries problems Baldness Deafness Blindness Glaucoma Bone marrow transplant Wound healing Kidney stones and failure Prostrate enlargement Stones and Cancer Liver diseases Pancreatic dysfunction Cardiovascular diseases Vision impairment Learning defects Skin repair etc. As of present stem cell therapy has been effective in carrying out bone marrow transplant.
A lot of research is underway to develop various sources for stem cells, as well as to apply stem-cell treatments for neurodegenerative diseases and conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, among others. Doctors estimate that in the next 10 years 70% of the world will be attached with the stem cell therapy. However, it has come under a lot criticisms and controversies. Why? This is because most stem cell therapy requires the use of real human body tissues and embryos in its treatment. This has lead to a number of questionable treatments and violations of laboratory and manufacturing standards. And that is where Superlife STC30 comes in. Compared to the human and embryo stem cell extract STC 30 is an extract from plant cells. Which is relatively safer than toying with the human body. Wow, I’m sure there is a light bulb in your head right now.
Meanwhile, before we go into further details, to get a Superlife STC30 for yourself at a wholesale price write us a comment so we can forward the details of a reliable Superlife STC30 seller. Superlife STC30 Ingredients and their Benefits Superlife STC30 is made wholly of ingredients extracted from plant cells with the capacity to rejuvenate the cells in the human body. The major Superlife STC30 ingredients are: Blackcurrant Juice Powder Bilberry Extract Glisodin (Cantaloupe Extract) PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Vitis Vinifera) PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica (Uttwiler Spatlauber) How powerful and medicinal can these ingredients be to our human body?
Let’s highlights each of these ingredients. Blackcurrant Juice Powder Blackcurrant Juice Powder is a nutritious purple powder extract from the berries of Ribes Nigrum shrubbery. It is used as a nutritional supplement by many to treat skin disorders, improve circulatory system, boost their immune system, maintain good eye, gut and kidney health. Unlike the United States who erroneously banned the berries, in the United Kingdom Blackcurrant is used in making jams, juices and many healthy foods and drinks.
Apart all its many nutrients Blackcurrants have a large concentration of the following: Anthocyanins: blackcurrants have plenty of Anthocyanins. This nutrient immensely strengthen your immune system, soothe sore throats, and ease flu symptoms. Polyphenolic Substances: Polyphenols plays an important role in combating cell damage. Scientists have reported its power to lower the risk for type 2 diabetes. Polyphenols tend to boost insulin sensitivity, as well as slows down the rate of body and digestion and absorption of sugar.
Antioxidants: Blackcurrants has more than twice the antioxidants as blueberries which is strong potent against the growth of cancer, microbes, inflammations, virus and other germs. Vitamin C: Blackcurrants contain more than four times the amount of Vitamin C as found in oranges. Vitamin C is already known to aid skin care and anti-aging significantly. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA): GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid that help ease inflammation in the body, thus reducing pain, stiffness, soreness and damage in the joint or muscles. It also decreases the resistance to the free flow of blood in the blood vessels. In a certain studies it was revealed that GLA helped reduced the pain of sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. For more details about Blackcurrants Juice Powder jump to: 6 Health Benefits of Black Currant Bilberry Extract An extract of the Superlife STC30 component is Bilberry.
Bilberry is a plant whose dried or ripe fruit and leaves are very medicinal. Bilberry is powerful in improving poor eyesight. It is also helpful in correcting eye conditions such as cataracts and retina disorders. The bilberry plant has also been recognized in treating conditions of the heart and blood vessels such as hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), varicose veins, decreased blood flow in the veins, and chest pain. Bilberry is also useful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), osteoarthritis, gout, skin infections, hemorrhoids, diabetes, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bilberry extract is also effective in fighting the growth of cancer cells.
This is as a result of the phenolic components such as delphinidin and glycosides found in the Bilberry. These components prevent the propagation of dangerous cells and induces apoptosis (progressive cell death). To read more about Bilberry Extract go to: Bilberry: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning Glisodin (Cantaloupe Extract) Glisodin is a nutritional supplement that contains Cantaloupe Extract and Giladin. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a normal process in oxygen-breathing organisms.
This will disrupt the natural balance and ultimately lead to oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are harmful to body. Certain conditions however, increases these harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as smoking pollution exposure to sunlight (UV radiation) metabolism of sugars related to high intensity exercise the natural progression of aging infection and the subsequent immune response The detrimental health effects that can result from prolonged exposure to oxidative stress include: speeding up aging process DNA damage leads to cancer atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) leading to cardiovascular disease inflammation rheumatoid arthritis metabolic syndrome diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Under normal physiological conditions, a balance between these reactive oxygen species and the body’s anti-oxidant defenses exists. The body has a natural way to fight the chemical reactions in our body – reactive oxygen species (ROS). Sometimes these ROS overpowers the natural defense system of the body. Here’s where the Glisodin supplement steps in to protect you against these aging process. To read more about Glisodin (Cantaloupe Extract) go to: Glisodi – a Melon Extract Tthat Attenuates Cardiac Cell Death PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Vitis Vinifera) PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Vitis Vinifera) are cell extract from grapes. Grapes we know have anti-aging benefits in its peel and seed.
The usual sun protection filters are not very effective in fighting the effects of sun rays on our skins. Toxins and free radicals are generated by ultra violet rays in the skin which are dangerous to the stem cells. The Vitis Vinifera extract from grapes fights internal and externally protecting the main victim of the sun, our skin stem cells. PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica (Uttwiler Spatlauber) PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica (Uttwiler Spatlauber) PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica is a patented liposomal preparation of apple stem cells.
This is a a rare Swiss apple variety named ‘Uttwiler Spätlauber’. These rare Swiss apple variety has stem cells that is rich in epigenetic factors and metabolites, which ensures the longevity of skin cells. PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica has been proven to reverse anti-aging progression and also delays the senescence of hair follicles. Results in PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica studied has shown significant and visible decrease in wrinkle depth for 100% of the time.